
Fancy Mustangs 4-H Club

Fancy Mustangs 4-H Club met with Harmony Sunflowers 4-H Club for a joint meeting. This type of meeting is a great learning tool for both 4-H clubs so they can see how other clubs work within the Greenwood County community.

Rockin’ Robin!

Far too many times we allow negative comments/actions to overtake our thoughts. Whether they are ours or others, they have a way of overpowering the positives and truly can bring one down. The past few weeks have been difficult. I’ve heard multiple individuals complain about not being aware of various happenings, but in the same breath share they don’t read the paper and look only to social media. In planning for the city wide garage sales, we heard complaints due to a $1 fee to be on the list or including the list within the paper and not printing copies for all residents.


April is state assessment time in Kansas. Students are asked to dig deep into their reservoirs and answer questions on standardized tests required by the state. The tests show educators and parents how much students know compared to other students at their grade level taking the same test. Getting plenty of sleep at night and eating a good breakfast are ways to ensure that your student can give their best effort during testing. Historically, Eureka students have performed better than others in Kansas. It is a source of pride!


The Eureka Herald

PO Box 590

Eureka, KS 67045

Phone: 620-583-5721

Fax: 620-583-5922