
Rockin’ Robin!

It’s no surprise... I’m pretty passionate about community journalism. Not only does it run in my blood; but I truly take pride in the work we get to do and the people we get to serve. One of our biggest tasks is simply serving the community as a “watch dog,” informing them of happenings and ensuring that local entities are held accountable. Confrontation isn’t fun; yet, I find myself in the cross hairs from time to time. As a community watch dog, we also work hard to educate not only elected officials but the public as a whole, of rules/guidelines put in place for open government in our state. But, what happens if an entity violates the Kansas Open Meetings Act (KOMA) or the Kansas Open Records Act (KORA)? Typically, it’s simply mandated training, but each elected board or council member could face a fine up to $500 each. This is to them personally, not to the board/council they are serving. Unfortunately, in recent years, trainings have been hard to find.

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Madison Pacesetters 4-H Club

The Madison Pacesetters held their February meeting February 1. The roll call question was “Who is your valentine this year?” It was answered by 25 members, three cloverbuds and two leaders. Leader Ty Gaines had a lot of dates to share with the club in his report. The dates included: Citizenship in Action is February 19-20, County 4-H Days sign-up opens February 28, Butter Braid Fundraising forms due back at the next meeting and those signed up for model meeting needed to be at the Sauder Center to practice at 6:30 p.m. before the March meeting.


The Eureka Herald

PO Box 590

Eureka, KS 67045

Phone: 620-583-5721

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